Species and cultivars of Sansevieria as ornamental plants.

The genus Sansevieria (Agavaceae) is made of sixty species and different cultivars coming from hybridization. They are normally known as “snakes plants”, “bowstring hemp” and”“mother-in-law’s tongue” because of the shape of their leaves, flattened, lanceolate or cylindrical. In spite of their utilization as fibber producer and as a defence against “bad luck” (according to some popular beliefs), many species and their cultivars are ornamental, commercially grown as foliage, with a variation of the usage, according to their growth habit, shape, texture and colors of their leaves. Besides their esthetical qualities, they are rustic and can be adapted to a wide range of areas, even the ones less favorable to the cultivation of many others species. Although species of Sansevieria have been cultivated for a long time, their potential has not been explored, neither in beds nor as potted plants. This article aims to provide the increase of interest in sansevieria usage, showing their potential as foliage plant, in floral art.