Floral induction of the bromeliad Guzmania ‘Grand Prix’

The natural bromeliad’s flowering generally is not very uniform, so it is necessary to use flower induction to control the long vegetative growth period showed by those plants. This experiment was carried out in Epamig’s experimental farm, Nova Porteirinha State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using bromeliad Guzmania ‘Grand Prix’, aiming to analyze the flowering development and quality in two plant ages (10 and 16 months old) and two ethephon’s dosages for floral induction (12 and 24 mg/plant) plus plant control. The induction was made using 30 ml of solution with the concentration referring to a treatment, put in the center of the rosette. The evaluations were made weekly to measure the number of days among induction, flowering and flowering development. Whithout the growth regulator the plants did not set flowers indicating the necessity of flower induction to commercial growth. Sixteen months old plants showed faster flowering development, higher stem and inflorescence diameter, besides higher bracts number in comparison to ten months old plants. The lowest dosage (12 mg) gave early flowering, higher diameter and fast flowering development. There was interaction between dosage factors and age related to flower stem height, ten months old plants inducted with higher dosage did show low stem height. The better results were got in plants that were inducted at sixteen months old and lower growth regulator dosage (12 mg) showed to be more efficient.