Oxidation control in the in vitro culture of strelitzia (Strelitzia reginae )
The propagation of strelitzia (Strelitzia reginae Ait) is obtained through sprout division or seeds. The seeds present
slow germination and dormancy. Since the development of this plant is slow, its production and propagation are also
delayed besides the reduced number of obtained plants. By using tissue culture techniques it is possible to propagate
the species although explant and culture medium oxidation has been observed. The objective of this work was to test
chemical compounds added to the culture medium to control the oxidation process. Activated charcoal, PVP®
(polyvinylpyrrolidone), cysteine, ascorbic acid, citric acid were added to the culture medium and different gelling
substances such as agarose, agar and Phytagel® and the exclusion of iron and cupper from the culture medium were
tested. Control of oxidation process was observed cultivating embryos in medium containing 2 g L-1 activated charcoal
or solidified with phytagel.