Vegetative propagation of Sinningia lineata (Hjelmq.) Chautems
Sinningia lineata (Hjelmq.) Chautems has great ornamental potentiality. In spite of its rusticity, this species is in danger of
extinction due to the impacts that occurred on its natural habitat. Concerning the genetic resources, the studies with
vegetative propagation contribute to the maintenance of the genetic variability in germplasm banks. These are also important
to make viable the use of the species in ornamentation and landscaping. This study aims to creat subsidies for these
practices, by testing vegetative propagation methods of S. lineata. Two studies were undertaken, propagation via tubercle
division and via staking. In the first, 36 tubercles were selected and distributed in nine treatments with four repetitions. The
treatments consisted of three controls, three with the bordeaux syrup and three with the sulphurcalcic syrup. The three
treatments for each application refer to the tubercle sections in 2, 3, and 4 fragments. The capacity for cicatrisation of the
fragments and the production of new exemplars were evaluated. The stakes received three treatments with 17 repetitions,
as follows: control, application of 100 and of 200 ppm of indolbutyric acid (IBA). Six parameters were evaluated referring
to the development of sprouts, tubercles and roots. The results of the first study indicated that no difference occurred in
relation to cicatrisation of the tubercle fragments and the application of fungicides. However, under the treatments with the
division in four fragments, losses occurred by dehydration on average, 75,100 and 50% of the fragments referring to the
controlled treatment and the ones with the application of bordeaux and sulphurcalcic syrup, respectively. At the end of the
second study, all the stakes were viable and originated new exemplars. Nevertheless, the use of IBA suggested a phytotoxic
effect on the S. lineata stem. The results of the two studies indicated that the species is easily asexually propagated. The
methods proved to be viable in relation to cost and simplicity of the techniques.