How speeding up uniformly floral development in solidaster (Solidago x luteus).

Solidaster (Solidago x luteus) is a hybrid between Solidago ptarmicoides and Solidago canadensis.  They are typically longday plants which in function of temperature grow as rosettes in short days (SD).  These plants are explored as;, cut flowers. The effect of photoperiod on vegetative development and floral induction of this hybrid was studied, and also studies of photoperiodic behavior of floral bud to anthesis were done.  Floral induction was promoted in both, long days LD (20h) and SD (8h).  However, the number of lateral branches and height of plants increased under LD, and floral development occurred more rapidly under SD.  The evidence that SD speeds up the flower bud anthesis was proved with the experiment of different SD periods (5, 10 and 15 days).  Finally, it was showed that the rate of flower bud development to anthesis was more rapid in shorter photoperiods (8h, 10h, 12h), and delayed in long photoperiods (16h, 20h).  In photoperiods between 12h and 16h (14h) a transition situation between SD and LD was observed.  This is characteristic of a quantitative response with the increase of photoperiod.