Effects of temperature and light regime on seed germination of Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis (Jack.) R. Br. ex. Mart.)

Chinese fan palm is an ornamental species very appreciated for landscaping. The objective of this research was to study the influence of different temperatures and light regimes in this species seed germination. The experiment was conducted under a complete randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement 6 x 2 (six temperatures: constant of 20ºC, 25ºC, 30ºC, 35ºC and alternated of 20-30ºC e 25-35ºC; associated to two light regimes: 8 hours of light or continuous dark). The experiment was conducted in germination chambers, in four replications of 25 seeds, in transparent or dark plastic boxes containing vermiculite. Evaluation was realized daily and seeds were considered germinated when presented the germinative button protrusion. Seeds of this species had high germination percentage (96 to 99%), independently of temperature and light regime, and higher germination velocity index was observed in the alternate temperature of 25-35ºC, with 8 hours of light.