The Paspalum notatum Flügge turfgrasses is the more disseminated grass in Brazil, founded in many localities and for different purposes. The weed plants could loose of turfgrass aesthetic quality when its purpose is ornamental. With objective of studying the weed survey behavior in P. notatum Flügge turfgrass at Paraguaçu Paulista, State of São Paulo, during the months of may and june of 2005, a rising floristic survey of the weed community in sunny and shaded areas was accomplished. One hundred samples of 0,50 x 0,50 m from two sites (50 in sunny areas and 50 in shaded areas), were used to calculate the parameters frequency, density, abundance, relative frequency, relative density, relative abundance and index of value of importance. A total of forty three weeds species were identified, distributed in sixteen families, where the Asteraceae family presented the largest number of species in the sunny and shaded conditions. The Desmodium incanum (Fabaceae)e Alternanthera tenella (Amaranthaceae) species presented the largest frequencies, densities and value of importance in P. notatum Flügge turfgrass at Paraguaçu Paulista/SP.