Panorama Atual e Perspectivas Futuras da Cadeia Produtiva de Flores Tropicais: o caso do antúrio

The objective of this article is to extend the knowledge on the tropical flowers, with regard to excellent aspects of its production and commercialization, so that actions more effective can be taken facilitating the magnifying of the socioeconômica importance of this sector in Brazil, from the rise of the performance of the chain and magnifying of the Brazilian participation in the exterior. The research was carried through in 2008, during important fair, in the city of Holambra, SP, by means of personal interviews, from questionnaire previously structuralized. The resultant data of the research had been analyzed, initially, by means of descriptive analysis. So that the excellent information were added in differentiated groups, in order to compose the panorama of the sector in accordance with aspects of raised production and commercialization in this study, had been used complementary statistical analyses: factorial analysis of correspondence and analysis of conglomerates. It was verified that new technologies had been absorbed more easily, as is the case of option for microprapagadas changes, adoption of organic cultivos, in function of bigger disposal in searching and incorporating new techniques, either by means of courses or of services of consultoria. In a generalized manner, the research indicates that it has little information on the segment of tropical flowers. Although this, notices that it has increasing interest for these flowers. In relation to the anthurium, one of the main tropical products, evidenced that it has positive future perspectives for rise of its production, commercialization or consumption, as much in the domestic market how much in the external one. So that it can have growth of the productive chains of tropical flowers, actions more effective will have to be taken to intensify the access of new technologies next to cooperatives and producers and to promote new products in the domestic market, next to wholesalers, final retailers and consumers.