Estudo bibliométrico da pesquisa sobre flores de corte
impacto científico, produção científica, redes de conhecimento, tópicos de pesquisa, sustentabilidadeResumo
As plantas ornamentais desempenham um papel fundamental em diversas aplicações, desde a produção de flores de corte até o projeto paisagístico e a decoração de espaços. O setor de ornamentais, que faz parte da horticultura, tem experimentado avanços significativos e mobiliza bilhões de dólares na economia global, sendo também um mercado totalmente globalizado. Nos últimos anos, esse setor implementou estratégias avançadas de produção, desde o melhoramento genético até a sustentabilidade e a cadeia de suprimentos, promovendo pesquisas científicas em diversas áreas. No entanto, a dispersão do conhecimento tem dificultado a integração das diversas redes de pesquisa. Portanto, este artigo procura fornecer uma visão geral da produção científica no setor de flores de corte, estabelecendo uma linha de referência para pesquisadores, usando a bibliometria como ferramenta para identificar tendências e a estrutura científica dessa área de conhecimento. Os resultados revelaram que, em todo o mundo, desde 1983, houve 975 artigos focados nesse sistema produtivo, gerados em mais de 69 países por 2750 autores que publicaram suas pesquisas em 160 revistas acadêmicas. Também foram identificados tópicos de pesquisa relevantes que já estão desenvolvidos e aqueles que precisam de um foco de pesquisa mais intenso e integrado ao conhecimento já gerado.
ALAEI, H.; BAEYEN, S.; MAES, M.; HÖFTE, M.; HEUNGENS, K. Molecular detection of Puccinia Horiana in Chrysanthemum x morifolium through conventional and real-time pcr. Journal of Microbiological Methods, v.76, n2, p.136-45, 2009.
ARROM, L.; MUNNÉ-BOSCH, S. Sucrose accelerates flower opening and delays senescence through a hormonal effect in cut lily flowers. Plant Science, v.188, p.41-47, 2012.
BROSNAN, T.; DA-WEN, S. Precooling techniques and applications for horticultural products—a review. International Journal of Refrigeration, v.24, n.2, p.154- 70, 2001.
CARRIÓN-MERO, P.; MONTALVÁN-BURBANO, N.; HERRERA-NARVÁE, Z.; MORANTE-CARBALLO, F. Geodiversity and mining towards the development of geotourism: a global perspective. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, v.16, p.191- 201, 2021.
CARRIÓN-MERO, P.; MONTALVÁN-BURBANO, N.; PAZ-SALAS, N.; MORANTE-CARBALLO, F. Volcanic geomorphology: a review of worldwide research. Geosciences, v.10, n.9, p.347, 2020.
CARVALHO, P.R.; NAOUM-SAWAYA, J.; ELHEDHLI, S. Blockchain-enabled supply chains: an application in fresh- cut flowers. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v.110, p.841-58, 2022.
CHUGH, S.; GUHA, S.; RAO, I.U. Micropropagation of orchids: a review on the potential of different explants. Scientia Horticulturae, v.122, n.4, p.507-20, 2009.
CUNHA NETO, A.R.; PAIVA, P.; PONCE, M.; CALVELLI, J.; BARBOSA, S. Meta-analysis of new technologies in post-harvest of tropical flowers. Ornamental Horticulture, v.29, p.224-237, 2023.
DARRAS, A.I. Implementation of sustainable practices to ornamental plant cultivation worldwide: a critical review.” Agronomy, v.10, n.10, p.1570.
DÍEZ-MARTÍN, F.; BLANCO-GONZÁLEZ, A.; PRADO-ROMÁN, C. The intellectual structure of organizational legitimacy research: a co-citation analysis in business journals. Review of Managerial Science, v.15, n.4, p.1007- 43, 2021.
DOBRES, M.S. Prospects for the commercialization of transgenic ornamentals. In: MOU, B.; SCORZA, R. Transgenic Horticultural Crops. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011. p.305-316.
FANOURAKIS, D.; PIERUSCHKA, R.; SAVVIDES, A.; MACNISH, A.J.; SARLIKIOTI, V.; WOLTERING, E.J. Sources of vase life variation in cut roses: a review. Postharvest Biology and Technology, v.78, p.1-15, 2013.
FAUST, J.E.: DOLE, J.M. Cut Flowers and Foliages. Oxfordshire: CABI, 2021. 408p.
FRANZE, J.; CIROTH, A. A comparison of cut roses from Ecuador and the Netherlands.The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, v.16, n.366-79, 2011.
GABELLINI, S.; SCARAMUZZI, S. Evolvingconsumption trends, marketing strategies, and governance settings in ornamental horticulture: a grey literature review. Horticulturae, v.8, n.3, p.234, 2022.
GARNER, R.M.; HIRSCH, J.A.; ALBUQUERQUE, F.C.; FARGEN, K.M. Bibliometric indices: defining academic productivity and citation rates of researchers, departments and journals. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, v.10, n.2, p.102-106, 2018.
GHAZIJAHANI, N.; HADAVI, E.; SON, M.S.; JEONG,B.R. Foliar application of citric and malic acid to stock plants of rose alters the rooting of stem cuttings. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, v.5, n.1, p.1- 6, 2018.
HALE, A.; OPONDO, M. Humanising the cut flower chain: confronting the realities of flower production for workers in Kenya. Antipode, v.37, n.2, p.301-23, 2005.
HU, J.; DINH, S.Q.; JOYCE, D.C. S carvone effects on Botrytis Cinerea and harvested waxflower (Chamelaucium). New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, v.37, p.79-83, 2009.
INGRAM, D.L., HALL, C.R., KNIGHT, J. Understanding carbon footprint in production and use of landscape plants. HortTechnology, v.29, n.1, p.6-10, 2019.
KAMBIL, A.; VAN HECK, E. Reengineering the Dutch flower auctions: a framework for analyzing exchange organizations. Information Systems Research, v.9, n.1, p.1-19, 1998.
KARAGÜZEL, Ö. Effects of different growing media on the cut flower performances of oriental two lilium varieties. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, v.13, n.5, p.85-92, 2020.
KATSOULAS, N.; KITTAS, C.; DIMOKAS, G.; LYKAS, C. Effect of irrigation frequency on rose flower production and quality. Biosystems engineering, v.93, n.2, p.237-44, 2006.
KENANOĞLU, Z. Problems of retailers in the cut flower sector and a proposal for the sustainability of the sector: the case of Turkey. Horticulturae, v.9, n.8, p.932, 2023.
KRIGAS, N.; TSOKTOURIDIS, G.; ANESTIS, I.; KHABBACH, A.; LIBIAD, M.; MEGDICHE-KSOURI, W.; BOURGOU, S. Exploring the potential of neglected local endemic plants of three mediterranean regions in the ornamental sector: value chain feasibility and readiness timescale for their sustainable exploitation. Sustainability, v.13., n.5, p.2539, 2021.
LIU, H.; SUN, M.; DU, D.; PAN, H.; CHENG, T.; WANG, J.; GAO, Y. Whole-transcriptome analysis of differentially expressed genes in the ray florets and disc florets of Chrysanthemum morifolium. BMC genomics, v.17, n.1, p.1-17, 2016.
LOYOLA, C.E.; DOLE, J.M.; DUNNING, R. North American specialty cut flower production and postharvest survey. HortTechnology, v.29, n.3, p.338-59, 2019.
MADSEN, D.Ø.; BERG, T.; DI NARDO, M. Bibliometric trends in industry 5.0 research: an updated overview. Applied System Innovation, v.4, p.63, 2023.
MIRJALILI, S.A.; KAVOOSI, B.; PEYRO, Y. Assessment of vase life and postharvest quality of cut rose (Rosa hybrida cv. angelina) flowers by application of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) essential oil and 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate. Advances in Horticultural Science, v.32, n.3, p.363-70, 2018.
MOL, J.; CORNISH, E.; MASON, J.; KOES, R. Novel coloured flowers. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, v.10, n.2, p.198-201, 1999.
MONTALVÁN-BURBANO, N.; PÉREZ-VALLS, M.; PLAZA-ÚBEDA, J. Analysis of scientific production on organizational innovation. Cogent Business and Management, v.7, n.1, p.1745043, 2020.
MONTALVÁN-BURBANO, N.; VELASTEGUI- MONTOYA, A.; GURUMENDI-NORIEGA, M.; MORANTE-CARBALLO, F.; ADAMI, M. Worldwide research on land use and land cover in the Amazon Region. Sustainability, v.13, n.11, p.6039, 2021.
MORANTE-CARBALLO, F.; MONTALVÁN- BURBANO, N.; CARRIÓN-MERO, P.; ESPINOZA-SANTOS, N. Cation exchange of natural zeolites: worldwide research. Sustainability, v.13, n.14, p.7751, 2021.
MORANTE-CARBALLO, F.; MONTALVÁN- BURBANO, N.; CARRIÓN-MERO, P.; JÁCOME-FRANCIS, K. Worldwide research analysis on natural zeolites as environmental remediation materials. Sustainability, v.13, n.11, p.6378, 2021.
NERGI, M.A.D.; AHMADI, N. Effects of 1-MCP and ethylene on postharvest quality and expression of senescence-associated genes in cut rose cv. sparkle. Scientia Horticulturae, v.166, p.78-83, 2014.
PETTITT, T. R.; WAINWRIGHT, M. F.; WAKEHAM, A. J.; WHITE, J. G. A Simple detached leaf assay provides rapid and inexpensive determination of pathogenicity of Pythium isolates to ‘all year round’(ayr) Chrysanthemum roots. Plant Pathology, v.60, n.5, p.946-56, 2011.
RAPARELLI, E.; BAJOCCO, S. A Bibliometric analysis on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agricultural and forestry studies. International Journal of Remote Sensing, v.40, n.24, p.9070-83, 2019.
RAUTER, S.; STOCK, M.; BLACK, B.; DROST, D.; DAI, X.; WARD, R. Overwintering improves ranunculus cut flower production in the us intermountain west. Horticulturae, v.8, n.12, p.1128, 2022.
REYNAFARJE, X.; VILLAGRÁN, E.A.; BOJACÁ, C.R.; GIL, R.; SCHREVENS, E. Simulation and validation of the airflow inside a naturally ventilated greenhouse designed for tropical conditions. Acta Horticulturae, n.1271, p.55- 62, 2020.
ROCHA, G. A. O.; MEDINA, A. N. C.; ARIAS, L. G.; CAITA, J. F. A.; VILLAGRAN, E. Análisis sobre la actividad científica referente a las estrategias de climatización pasiva usada en invernaderos: parte 1: análisis bibliométrico. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, v.6, n.5, p.4596-4623, 2022a.
ROCHA, G.A.O.; MEDINA, A.N.C.; ARIAS, L.G.; CAITA, J.F.A.; VILLAGRAN, E. Análisis sobre la actividad científica referente a las estrategias de climatización pasiva usada en invernaderos: parte 2: análisis técnico. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, v.6, n.6, p.2220-45, 2022b.
ROCHA, G.A.O.; PICHIMATA, M.A.; VILLAGRAN, E. Research on the microclimate of protected agriculture structures using numerical simulation tools: a technical and bibliometric analysis as a contribution to the sustainability of under-cover cropping in tropical and subtropical countries. Sustainability, v.13, n.18. p.10433, 2021.
ROCHA, G.A.O.; VERGEL, S.J.N.; ARIAS, L.G.; GIRALDO, Y.R.; VILLAGRAN, E. La técnica del cultivo sin suelo y su contribución al mejoramiento tecnológico de la agricultura bajo cubierta: un análisis bibliométrico. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, v.6, n.6, p.7053- 74, 2022.
RODRÍGUEZ-ESTRADA, A. Las redes de citación como elemento de construcción del campo científico: análisis de la comunicación política en México. Palabra Clave, v.21, n.3, p.641-72, 2018.
RUIZ, B.D.A.; LÓPEZ, O.A.S.; MORA, W.F.C. Competitividad de las empresas exportadoras de flores cortadas desde colombia en el mercado de Estados Unidos de América, 2000-2019. Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria, v.24, n.2, 2023.
SALACHNA, P. Trends in ornamental plant production. Horticulturae, v.8, n.5, p.413, 2022.
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SHI, L.; KIM, W.S. Shoot growth and physiological disorder of cut rose ‘charming black’as affected by drought stress during nocturnal supplemental lighting. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, v.55, p.91-96, 2014.
SHULGA, O.A.; MITIOUCHKINA, T.Y.; SHCHENNIKOVA, A.V.; SKRYABIN, K.G.; DOLGOV, S.V. Overexpression of AP1-like genes from Asteraceae induces early-flowering in transgenic Chrysanthemum plants. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology- Plant, v.47, p.553-60, 2011.
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VILLAGRÁN E.A.; BOJACÁ C.R. Study of natural ventilation in a gothic multi-tunnel greenhouse designed to produce rose (Rosa Spp.) in the High-Andean Tropic. Ornamental Horticulture, v.25, n.2. p.133-43. 2019.
VILLAGRÁN, E.; HENAO-ROJAS, J.; FRANCO. G. Thermo-environmental performance of four different shapes of solar greenhouse dryer with free convection operating principle and no load on product. Fluids, v.6, n.5, p.183, 2021.
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