Guidelines from Ornamental Horticulture on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Ornamental Horticulture Journal aims to provide greater transparency and guidance for editors, reviewers, and authors regarding the use of AI tools and resources to maintain the ethics, integrity, transparency, and quality of publications.

Authors and co-authors must take full responsibility for the content of their studies, including parts generated by AI tools.


For Authors:

The use of AI tools and resources is strictly prohibited for writing articles, generating results, creating or altering images or graphic elements. AI tools can only be used to enhance the language and readability of the article.

AI tools should not be credited as authors in academic articles. All content generated by AI must be attributed to a responsible human author. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscripts.

It is important to mention that if AI tools and resources are used, authors must disclose their use, and a statement will appear in the published work.

If the author has used AI tools and resources, a section titled ‘Declaration of AI Tools and Resources in the Writing Process’ must be included before the references. In this declaration, authors should specify the tool used, the reason, and the form of application.


For Editors and Reviewers:

Reviewers should not use AI to issue their reviews. Any and all use of AI in the evaluation must be clearly disclosed in the review form.


Documents Consulted:

COPE. Authorship and AI tools, 2023. Available at: COPE Position Statements on AI. Accessed on: August 8, 2024.

ELSEVIER. The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in writing for Elsevier, 2023. Available at: Elsevier AI Policy. Accessed on: August 8, 2024.

SciELO. Guide to the use of AI tools and resources in research communication on the SciELO Network, 2024. Available at: SciELO AI Tools Guide. Accessed on: August 8, 2024.