Evaluation of biological control of fusarium wilt in gerbera with Trichoderma asperellum


  • Daiani Brandler Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Luan Junior Divensi Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Rodrigo José Tonin Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Thalita Pedrozo Pilla Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Ines Rezendes Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Paola Mendes Milanesi Federal University of Fronteira Sul




Floriculture, Soil pathogen, Antagonism, Management.


The increase in flower cultivation in recent years has been reflecting the higher incidence of soil pathogens that can cause serious problems. This study aimed to evaluate the biological control of Fusarium wilt in gerbera with Trichoderma asperellum. The evaluated treatments were: T1) Control, only sterile substrate; T2) Substrate + Fusarium oxysporum; T3) Substrate + Fusarium oxysporum + Trichoderma asperellum; and T4) Substrate + Trichoderma asperellum. For this, the pathogen was isolated from gerbera with disease symptoms and, subsequently, it was identified according to morphological characters. Furthermore, the degree of antagonism of T. asperellum against F. oxysporum was evaluated through the culture pairing test. For greenhouse evaluations, commercial autoclaved substrate was used and infested with corn grains infected by the pathogen. Morphological identification confirmed the pathogen species as Fusarium oxysporum. In the culture pairing test, it was found that T. asperellum did not present a high degree of antagonism. The plants cultivated on substrate infested by the pathogen had no visible symptoms of wilt, but the substrate infestation with the pathogen provided lower values of fresh and dry mass of shoots and roots. The treatment with T. asperellum obtained higher values of fresh and dry mass of both shoots and roots, and also more vigorous inflorescences in relation to the plants treated with the pathogen


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Author Biographies

Daiani Brandler, Federal University of Fronteira Sul

Agronomist, Master's degree student.

Luan Junior Divensi, Federal University of Fronteira Sul


Rodrigo José Tonin, Federal University of Fronteira Sul

Agronomy graduate student

Thalita Pedrozo Pilla, Federal University of Fronteira Sul

Agronomist, Master's degree student.

Ines Rezendes, Federal University of Fronteira Sul


Paola Mendes Milanesi, Federal University of Fronteira Sul

Assistant Professor






Call for papers: "Innovation in Horticulture"