Ionocidium ‘Cerrado 101’: intergeneric orchid hybrid with high quality of blooming
Oncidium, Ionopsis utricularioides, breeding, progenies selection, new hybrid.Abstract
Orchids are considered one of the most important potted-flowering in the world. Oncidium genus, as well their hybrids group (OHGs) has used for the flower market as pot or cut flower. However, some horticultural characteristics require improvements, e.g. the production of precocious cultivars, independent-season blooming or easy flowering induction, high quality and durability of flowers and variations in color of flowers, to compete with Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium orchids, as other flower groups. Aiming this purpose there were used hand-crossing pollination between the Oncidium ‘Sweet Sugar’ and Ionopsis utricularioides, a Brazilian wild species, for evaluate the capacity of crossing and to select progenies with interest of use in floriculture as new cultivar. The seeds obtained from this cross were seeded on in vitro conditions, followed by acclimatization and cultivation on greenhouse conditions until de flowering time. One of the plants obtained presented interesting characteristics, as good and rapid vegetative development and high quality of blooming. This hybrid obtained from an intergeneric crossing resulted in a plant with vegetative and flower type characteristics and color similar of Oncidium female parent, but with larger number of ramifications in inflorescence and number of flowers (60% and 219,4%, respectively) than Oncidium parent (♀), and with more similarity with Ionopsis (♂). This hybrid cultivar, called Ionocidium ‘Cerrado 101’ is one more option of OHGs in this competitive market and can be used either for pot and also for cut orchid flowers production, main because it longer inflorescence (83 cm).Downloads
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Call for papers: "Innovation in Horticulture"