Use of substrates and hydrogel to produce desert rose seedlings




Adenium obesum, irrigation, quality seedlings, OrganoAmazon®, sawdust.


Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult., widely known as desert rose, has attracted interest for its esthetic characteristics, which are influenced by the process of seedling production. Using two consecutive experiments installed fully at random, the study aimed at assessing the use of different substrates and hydrogel to produce desert rose seedlings in a protected environment. First, eleven substrates were tested, prepared as follows: OrganoAmazon®; PuroHumus®; soil; rice husk in natura; carbonized rice husk, sawdust and cattle manure. Then, three substrates were tested (S1 - OrganoAmazon® + PuroHumus®; S2 - OrganoAmazon® + PuroHumus® + rice husk in natura and S3 - OrganoAmazon® + PuroHumus® + carbonized rice husk) associated to four hydrogel levels: 0 (daily irrigation), 1, 2 and 3 g L-1 (irrigated on alternate days). Growth variables and quality index of seedlings were assessed. Six substrates (all of them without addition of sawdust and where used in mix) were grouped as those the promoted appropriate growth of seedlings, with height, number of leaves, collar diameter, root length and aerial part biomass superior to 6.5 cm; 13; 12 mm; 7.5 cm and 0.45 g, respectively. The substrate composed of OrganoAmazon® + PuroHumus® (1:1 v/v), when irrigated daily, was the one that favored most the production of quality seedlings. The use of hydrogel in substrates with shifts of irrigation on alternate days did not favor the production of desert rose seedlings.


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