Growth and nutrients content of heliconia under mineral fertilization
Heliconia stricta Dwarf Jamaican, tropical flowers, plant nutrition, production, commercial quality.Abstract
Heliconias have great commercial importance due to their durability of inflorescences, sizes, forms and bright colors. Regarding its production, the mineral nutrition of the crop is one of the most relevant aspects to obtain quality floral stems. The objective was to determine the influence of N-P-K on the growth and nutritional content of Heliconia stricta Dwarf Jamaican. A completely randomized block design was used with four treatments and five repetitions. The treatments consisted in fertilizing the soil with N-P-K. The levels of fertilization expressed in kg ha-1 of NPK were: control without application 00-00-00 (T100), 31-31-31 (T231), 62-62-62 (T362) and 93-93-93 (T493). The plants received the treatments for six months. Growth variables and nutrient contents of heliconia biomass were evaluated. The analysis of variance showed significant statistical differences (P ≤ 0.05) in the vigor and color of the plant, as well as the phosphorus, magnesium and copper contents. The significant increases in vigor and color were with doses 31- 31-31 and 62-62-62 of NPK. As for the contents of P, Mg and Cu were influenced by doses 31-31-31, 62-62-62 and 93-93-93 of NPK. This work shows important findings in relation to the nutritional diagnosis in the foliar content of nutrients.