Heliconias with pendent inflorescences as cut flowers
heliconias, scoring system, selection, tropical flowers, tropical plantsAbstract
The Heliconia species with pendent inflorescences and colorful bracts are a good option as a cut flower for floriculture market, but only a few species of this type of Heliconia eg. H. rostrata, H. rauliniana and H. chartacea are commercially produced in Brazil. This study was carried out to characterize 36 Heliconia accessions, with pendent inflorescences, to be used as cut flower, intending to increase knowledge and use of these exceptional plants among tropical flower enthusiasts and consumers. The evaluations were performed on plants of the Germplasm Collection of the Instituto Agronômico (IAC) growing in shade, partial shade or full sun conditions. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics, related to clump growth and flower stem aspects were analyzed. A pointscoring system was used to determine the species most suitable for cut flower utilization. All evaluated genotypes reached enoughpoints to be considered suitable for use as cut flowers, even those with large inflorescences and bracts arranged in different planes, facts that affect and limit handling, packaging and transportation. H. mariae, H. fernandezii, H. platystachys, H. rauliniana, H. rostrata, H. standley, H. necrobracteata and H. laxa were considered outstanding. This characterization and scoring system wereimportant to facilitate the selection of heliconia genotypes for use as cut flowers.