Study of quantitative characteristics of three cultures (peonies, hostas, irises) for their use in urban landscaping




botanical garden, collections, flower arrangements, ornamental herbaceous plants


The purpose of this study is a scientifically based selection of representatives of the genera Paeonia L., Hosta L. and Iris L., promising for use in urban landscaping. The choice of research objects is determined by three criteria. These are: 1) representatives of the genera Paeonia, Hosta and Iris – large generic complexes with a large number of cultivars; 2) their cultivars are characterized by a wide morphological diversity; 3) in Russia, these cultures have long been actively used in landscape design. Their own set of characteristics has been studied for them. These signs are important for the selection of plants used in the greened objects of the city. The genus Paeonia is represented by a sample of 19 cultivars of P. lactiflora Pall. with a Japanese flower shape. The variability of three quantitative characteristics was studied – the length of the stem, its thickness at the base and the diameter of the flower. The genus Hosta is represented by a sample of 23 names. The variability was studied according to four characteristics – the length and width of the leaf blade, the leaf area, and the length of the petiole. The genus Iris is represented by a selection of 10 names. The variability of six characteristics was studied – the height of the plant, the number of flowers on the peduncle, the length of the flower and the width of the flower, the length and width of the leaf blade. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the program “Statistica Base”. Classical methods of data processing are used. The development of models of flower beds is carried out using the AutoCAD program. From the total composition of the sample, promising varieties and forms were selected for each culture under study. In representatives of the genus Paeonia – this is the cultivar ‘Bu-Te’. For the genus Hosta, these are the cultivars ‘Frances Williams’ and ‘Liberty’. In the genus Iris, it is a form of natural origin I. sibirica f. albiflora. Based on the data obtained, 3 mixborders were designed with the participation of these cultivars and one form of natural origin.


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