Muscari seed germination enhancement by using sulfuric acid, and stratification priming




germination, hot water, stratification, sulfuric acid, uniformity


Muscari with absorbing color is a widespread and commercial species. As a pot and bedding bulb flower has excellent adaptability and vigorous growth in late winter and early spring. The quantity and uniformity of Muscari propagation by seed and the impor- tance of seed priming will be measured in current experiment. The selected M. neglectum populations which already were gathered in our previews research and M. armeniacum were evaluated under separated sulfuric acid (5, 15, and 20 min) and hot water (5, 15, and 20 min) scarification plus 15, 30, and 45 days stratification in a completely randomized design, four replications were planted in separate containers. Seeds of M. armeniacum only germinate (70%) by 15 min sulfuric acid plus 45-day stratification treatments. Based on the analysis of variance and mean comparison data that only were reported in M. neglectum, their seeds optimally ger- minated by 5 and 15 min sulfuric acid treatment plus 45-day stratification. In conclusion, M. neglectum seeds germination is tuned to take place well in mid-winter under natural conditions; on the other hand, 45 days of lengthy constant stratification and 5 min sulfuric acid priming will accelerate M. neglectum seeds germination.


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Author Biographies

Narjes Labbaf, Shahed University

Faculty of Agriculture Science, Department of Horticulture Science, Tehran, Iran.

Iman Rohollahi, Shahed University

Faculty of Agriculture Science, Department of Horticulture Science, Tehran, Iran.

Amir Mohammad Naji, Shahed University

Faculty of Agriculture Science, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tehran, Iran.


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