A new Dendrobium cultivar: Den. ‘Aurora’s Orange Hana’





breeding, Floriculture, orchid, pot plant


Dendrobium is a large genus of orchids containing more than 1800 species spliced in some sections and many are very attractive such as the group Nobile from section Dendrobium. They are an easy-to-cultivate ornamental group with pseudobulbs cane-like, mostly hard, erect, covered by the bases of the leaves and flowering in almost all internodes. In this work, we tried to develop a cul- tivar of small size with floriferous plants. The hybrid Dendrobium Aurora’s Orange Hana was produced and showed compact and floriferous plants with varied colours among the offspring. Three superior clones were selected due to a better display, architecture, three to four flowers per node, and vibrant colours. This new cultivar can be easily grown in pots or on living supports, forming compact and very flowering clumps.


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Author Biographies

Joice Yuri Minamiguchi, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)

Agronomy College, Presidente Prudente-SP, Brasil.

Ceci Castilho Custodio, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)

Agronomy College, Presidente Prudente-SP, Brasil.

Nelson Barbosa Machado Neto, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)

Agronomy College, Presidente Prudente-SP, Brasil.


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