Flowering phenophases and morphoagronomic characterization of Palma Santa Rita cultivars
cultivation environments, cut flower, Gladiolus grandiflorus, phenologyAbstract
The characterization of flowering phenophases and morphoagronomic knowledge is important for crop management and harvest programming. This study aimed to evaluate the duration of reproductive phenophases and conduct morpho-agronomic characterization of gladiolus cultivars. Two experiments were conducted, one in a shaded environment and the other in a full sun environment. A split-plot design in randomized blocks was used, which consisted of the planting system with single rows and twin rows in the plots and the cultivars (White Goddess, Traderhorn, Peter Pears, and Gold Field) in the subplots. The reproductive phenophases, plant development and productivity of each cultivar were evaluated. The flowering cycle lasted from 58 to 65 days when the cultivars were grown in the shaded environment, while the duration of this cycle ranged from 78 to 87 days in the full sun environment. The yield of the Gold Field cultivar was significantly higher when grown in twin rows compared to single-row planting. A shaded environment and twin-row planting are the recommended conditions for the cultivation of gladiolus in the state of Mato Grosso since they promote better stem development and early flowering of the cultivars. The Peter Pears and Gold Field cultivars are recommended for cultivation in the region due to their greater production of marketable stems.
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