Tropical ornamental plants: Brazilian overview of viral infections and management




plants native to the Americas, plant virus control, plant viruses


Ornamental plants, which were originally grown for magical or esthetic reasons, have gained industrial status in recent decades, contributing economically to the development of several countries. The presence of pathogens, especially viruses, can interfere  in production by causing symptoms in leaves and flowers, thereby depreciating the product and affecting normal plant growth. Furthermore, perennial species can act as a natural reservoir for other crops. Depending on the species, viruses can be transmitted by vegetative propagation, contact, insect vectors, pollen and seeds. As such, knowledge of the genetic diversity, geographic distribution and biological properties of viruses may contribute to preventing future infections. In this review, a number of tropical species infected by viruses reported in Brazil are presented, highlighting the first occurrences of new viral species. Aspects related to virus control and management in ornamental plants are also discussed.


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Author Biographies

Maria Amelia Vaz Alexandre, Instituto Biologico

Laboratório de Fitovirologia Fisiopatológica, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.

Lígia Maria Lembo Duarte, Instituto Biológico

Laboratório de Fitovirologia Fisiopatológica, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.

Alexandre Levi Rodrigues Chaves, Instituto Biológico

Laboratório de Fitovirologia Fisiopatológica, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.


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