Rapid propagation of Homalomena gigantea ornamental plant using rhizome cuttings





apical rhizome, distal rhizome, Homalomena gigantea, middle rhizome


This study investigates the critical factors influencing shoot and root regeneration from Homalomena gigantea rhizome cuttings, providing valuable insights for rhizome cutting practices for this plant species. Three key experiments were conducted to assess the impact of plant growth regula- tor (PGR) concentrations, cutting length, and cutting section on regeneration. In the first experiment, different concentrations of α-NAA and BAP were examined, revealing that PGR selection and concentration play a pivotal role in shoot and root induction and plantlet development. The highest success rates were observed at 150 ppm α-NAA and 100 ppm BAP, although there was a trade-off between the quantity and quality of plantlets, emphasizing the need for a balanced plant regulator selection. The second experiment investigated the influence of rhizome cutting length. Longer cuttings, particularly at 5 and 7 cm, consistently led to better shoot and root development, highlighting the importance of selecting appropriate cutting lengths. In the third experiment, cutting sections (apical, middle, and distal) without PGR concentrations were assessed, with all sections showing high regeneration rates. However, the apical section produced the highest-quality plantlets with superior growth parameters, followed by the middle section, while the distal section exhibited lower effectiveness. In summary, these findings underscore the significance of PGR choice and concentration, cutting length, and cut- ting section for successful regeneration of H. gigantea from rhizome cuttings. These insights provide valuable guidance for enhancing rhizome cuttings methods for this plant species and promoting efficient propagation.


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