Ornamental peppers: there is some accounting for taste





Capsicum annuum L., potted plants, preference and acceptance surveys, questionnaire


Consumer preference and acceptance surveys associated with genetic improvement programs contribute to greater acceptance of new cultivars, in the competitive and dynamic ornamental plants market. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate Brazilian habits related to the home cul- tivation of Capsicum spp. and preferences regarding four pre-cultivars of ornamental pepper, and the relationship with different socioeconomic factors. A virtual questionnaire containing 18 multiple-choice questions was shared by the authors in their contact networks, via social media and email. The responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The influence of socioeconomic factors on the respondents’ habits and preferences was analyzed using the Chi-Square test. The survey included 1045 respondents from all Brazilian states, of all age groups, income levels and education levels. It was found that home cultivation of peppers is widespread throughout Brazil, in rural and urban areas, mostly in pots. Ornamental peppers were widely ac- cepted among men and women of all income classes. Although a greater preference was observed for white flowers and elongated, triangular fruits, with five stages of maturity, regional, social, and economic differences influenced the choice for these attributes. Greater acceptance was also observed for the medium vessel (2 dm3) and the hybrid HPO 03. After registration, this will be an important technological product adapted to Brazilian conditions.


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