Physiological and agronomic characters of commercial cultivars heliconias (Heliconia sp.) in Veracruz, Mexico




agroforestry systems, commercial potential, environmental potential, ornamental plants, subgenus heliconia, tropical flowers


Heliconias belong to the group of tropical flowers, which generate economic benefits in the agricultural sector with their agronomic peculiarities. Besides providing the social actors involved with benefits aimed at sustainability in different tropical areas. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the physiological and agronomic characteristics of three commercial cultivars of Heliconias in three locations of a community in the municipality of Fortín, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Three sites were identified based on the type of agriculture: agroforestry system with Heliconias (site 1), agroforestry system - monoculture, with Heliconias (site 2) and monoculture (only Heliconias, site 3). A randomised complete block design with a split-plot arrangement (A x B) and six replications was used. Factors were: A) In situ cultivation sites, corresponding to three plots (sites) in the municipality of Coapichapan, Mexico, and B) Heliconias cultivars (Heliconia psittacorum, Heliconia wagneriana and H. bihai). The variables evaluated were tillers traits and inflorescence traits. The results show that in an agroforestry system with Heliconia, Heliconia bihai showed better performance in eight variables except for inflorescence number and bract number. In an agroforestry and monoculture system with Heliconia, Heliconia bihai shows better results in leaf length and inflorescence length. In an agroforestry system and monoculture with Heliconia, Heliconia wagneriana performed better in bract number, pseudostem width and leaf length. In monoculture, Heliconia bihai responded best to inflorescence length. Due to the tropical nature of this ornamental, the best growing conditions for Heliconia are in agroforestry systems. Due to its physiological characteristics, Heliconia bihai shows its agronomic potential in this type of agriculture even under monoculture conditions. Therefore, the conditions offered by an agroforestry system have a positive effect on the cultivation of Heliconia.


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