Features of the clonal micropropagation technology of ornamental Rose varieties ‘Dream Come True’ and ‘Full Sail’





growth regulators, in vitro, nutrient medium, rose


The rose is the most important ornamental and floral crop, as well as a valuable aromatic and medicinal plant. For accelerated production  of planting material, clonal micropropagation is used. There are problems in obtaining an aseptic culture and the peculiarities of plant cultivation at different stages, depending on the variety. It is necessary to develop and optimize the technological cycle of cultivation in in vitro culture. The results showed that the highest viability of rose explants obtained from lateral buds was noted by sterilization with 0.2% silver nitrate solution of and 5% Lysoformin 3000 with an exposure of 15 minutes (82%-95%); the highest viability of explants obtained from etiolated shoots was observed when sterilized with 0.2% silver nitrate solution with an exposure of 10 minutes and 5% Lysoformin 3000 with an exposure of 15 min (82%-100%). The maximum length of the micro-shoots was noted in the ‘Dream Come True’ variety on a QL (Quoirin and Lepoivre) nutrient medium (on average 21.2 cm), in the ‘Full Sail’ variety – on a ½ QL medium (on average 24.9 cm). An increase in the concentration of 6-BAP from 0.5 to 1.0 mg L-1 in the nutrient medium contributed to an increase in the number of micro-shoots (by 1.7–1.9 times). The maximum root length was noted on the nutrient medium ½ QL (on average 88.7–95.3 cm). An increase in the concentration of IAA from 0.5 to 1.0 mg L-1 in the nutrient medium contributed to an increase in root length by 1.4–1.8 times. The protocol developed in this study allows to propagate these two varieties in vitro and produce a large number of plants.


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