Analysis of the physical properties of the seeds of the ubim palm (Geonoma deversa (Poit.) Kunth): an Amazonian species with ornamental potential
Arecaceae, biometrics, physical quality, post-harvest processAbstract
The study of the physical properties of seeds is essential to determine the specific approach in the manufacture of equipment intended for seed processing. The objective of this work was to determine the physical properties of ubim seeds. For this purpose, measurements of length, width, and thickness were taken using a caliper, and the mass was determined with a precision balance. The results were calculated using equations that allowed the characterization of the physical properties of these seeds. Among the estimated parameters, sphericity, with a standard deviation of 3.21%, stood out for presenting low variation and ensuring the similarity of the spherical shape of the seeds. The analysis showed that the seeds have a rounded shape and uniform size within the studied batch.
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