Recipients and substrate for germination and growth of chrysanthemum and “Viola x wittrockiana” plants


  • kelli pirola
  • Marcelo Dotto
  • Américo Wagner Júnior
  • Alexandre Luis Alegretti
  • Paulo César Conceição
  • Angélica Signor Mendes



Dendrathema grandiflora, sexual propagation, ornamental plants.


The aim of this work was to evaluate the substrate effect and recipient size on the germination and initial growth of chrysanthemum and perfect-love ornamental plants. The works was carried out in the Horticulture Nursery from UTFPR - Campus Dois Vizinhos - Paraná State, Brazil. The experimental design was in blocks randomized, in factorial 3 x 4 (recipient size x substrate), with four replications, considering 4 recipients by plot. It was used as recipients, small, medium and king container and as substrate the Plantmax® and the mixture Red Latosoil + Sand + Poultry Litter 1 (1:1:1 v/v), Red Latosoil + Sand + Poultry Litter 2 (1:1:1 v/v) and Red Latosoil + Sand + Poultry Litter 1 + Poultry Litter 2 (1:1:1:1 v/v). The Poultry Litter 1 and 2 had wood shavings and sawdust as different ingredients, respectively. The germination (%), total lenght plants(cm), roots length(cm), height(cm), leaf number and plants dry mass matter(g), were evaluate 63 days after experiment installation. For germination and early development of perfect-love the best container was small with a mixture the red latosoil + sand + Poultry Litter 1 + Poultry Litter 2 (1:1:1:1 v/v). For Chrysanthemum, besides to this container and mixing, the mixtures were also important Red Latosoil + sand + Poultry Litter 1 (1:1:1 v/v) e Red Latosoil + sand + Poultry Litter 2 (1:1:1 v/v).


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