Substrates in the development potted gerbera cultivar


  • Fernanda Ludwig
  • Dirceu Maximino Fernandes
  • Amaralina Celoto Guerrero
  • Roberto Lyra Villas Bôas



Gerbera jamesonii, production, pH, bulk density.


The gerbera is a prominent culture that has gained in the Brazilian market of flowers and ornamental plants and there is a great demand for adequate substrates for its production. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth and distribution of dry mass and nitrogen in potted gerbera, depending on the substrates and cultivars. Experimental design was randomized blocks in a 5x2 factorial arrangement (5 substrates and 2 cultivars). Red and Cherry cultivars were evaluated at 1, 15, 29, 43 and 50 days of acclimation (DAA) to the leaves number, leaf area, dry mass of aerial parts (leaf and flower) and accumulation of nitrogen. From 29 DAA, the inflorescence has established as the drain and has contributed significantly to the total dry mass. The accumulation of nitrogen was similar in vegetative and reproductive periods. The traits evaluated varied depending on the substrate used, influenced by physical and chemical properties of the same. The growth, dry matter and nitrogen distribution potted gerbera cultivars Cherry and Red are influenced by physical and chemical characteristics of substrates, with better results in substrates with bulk density of less than 530 kg m-3 and pH values between 5.5 and 6.8


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