Biometric and physiological parameters of Heliconia bihai grown in coastal region under different levels of solar radiation


  • Reivany Eduardo Morais Lima
  • Fábio Costa Farias
  • Marlos Alves Bezerra
  • Fred Carvalho Bezerra



Floriculture, luminous intensity, gas exchange.


The aim of this work was evaluate the effect of different levels of light intensity on the physiology, vegetative and reproductive development of Heliconia bihai cv. Lobster Claw Two grown under coastal zone of Ceara State. Plants of this species were grown under full and 30%, 40% and 50% reduction sunlight intensity. It was evaluated the number of leaves and tillers per plant; amount of stalks; leaf area, water and carbohydrate content in the leaf next to the inflorescence arising and next to the inflorescence at harvest stage. Photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance of plants were measured for six consecutive months. Significant difference were attained for leaf area and water content in leaves close to the inflorescence at harvest stage, with lower values, and carbohydrate contents in leaves, with higher values in plants grown in full sun. The treatments with lower levels of solar radiation had higher amounts of stalks and higher vegetative growth, the reduction in vegetative growth of the plants under full sun was due to the lower photosynthetic rate and lower translocation of assimilates.


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