Evaluation of the number of cultivation lines of gladiolus growth within coffee trees


  • Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira Paiva
  • Rubens José Guimarães
  • Daniel Arnold Beraldo
  • Renato Paiva
  • Simone Novaes Reis
  • Alexandre Cardoso Balieiro




coffee, Gladiolus x grandiflorus L., in tercrop


The cultivation of gladiolus (Gladiolus x grandiflorus L.) within coffee trees present as an alternative to optimize coffee growth areas. Since gladiolus has a short life cycle, the growth within coffee for commercialization in November is a good combination since there is no many cultivation practices during this period. The objective of this work was to identify the adequate number of gladiolus planting lines within coffee and to verify possible problems with this practice. One, two and three double tines of gladiolus together with three border lines were planted. The best production (highest colm and higher number of flowers per colm) was observed when one or two double lines of gladiolus were planted. The use of three doubJe-Jines produced plants with smaller colms and reduced number of flowers. No diseases or any cultivation difficulties were detected with the coffee crop as a result of the cultivation of gladiolus within coffee trees.


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