Cryopreservation of seeds of Brazilian edelweiss (Sinningia leucotricha)
Cryoprotectors, Vitrification, Liquid Nitrogen.Abstract
The objective was to evaluate the use of cryogenic solutions in cryopreservation Sinningia leucotricha seeds by the vitrification method in liquid nitrogen. The treatments were: T1 - control: without cryoprotective solution; T2 - PVS1; T3 - modified PVS1; T4 - PVS2; T5 - modified PVS2; T6 - PVS3; T7 - PVS3 modified; T8 - PVS2 + 1% phloroglucinol. After 15 days of immersion of seeds in LN, the cryotubes were removed and rapidly reheated to a temperature of 40 °C water bath for 1.5 minutes. Then, the seeds were washed with wash solution for 20 min. Later they were submitted to the germination test which was conducted on blotting paper moistened with distilled water packaged in crystal polystyrene boxes kept in a growth chamber at 25 ± 2 °C and 16 hours photoperiod. Was evaluated the germination percentage the germination speed index (GSI), and at the end of the experiment will determine the length of shoot (LS) and root (LR), and dry mass of seedlings (DMS). We used a completely randomized design with eight treatments and five replications, consisting of 100 seeds. The direct submission of the queen of the abyss seeds in liquid nitrogen provided the highest germination values, GSI, LS, LR and DMS. The queen of the abyss seeds can be cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen directly without the need to cryoprotectant solutions.Downloads
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