Sensory analysis and postharvest of potted gerbera based on fertilization


  • Francielly Torres Santos Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Luiz Antonio de Mendonça Costa Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Mônica Sarolli Silva de Mendonça Costa Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.



Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Gerbera Jamesonii, Mineral Nutrition.


The cultivation of gerberas as cut flowers has been broadly studied. With the purpose of assess the production and visual quality of potted gerberas conducted with different fertilizations, the experiment was performed in a greenhouse located at UNIOESTE – Campus of Cascavel – Parana - Brazil. The experimental design was done in randomized blocks with four repetitions and five treatments. The treatments were defined based on the fertilization source: mineral (NPK) or organic. The organic fertilizations were obtained with the dilution of four organic composts derived from the composting process of agro-industrial wastes in water. The agro-industrial waste, used in different percentages in each treatment, were: grains pre-cleaning residues (corn meal and wheat husk); hatchery waste; flotation sludge; cellulose casing (sausage covering); solid fraction of pig slurry (Piglet Producer Unit) and truck washing; coal and ash remaining from boiler; poultry litter and sugarcane bagasse. The growth parameters were evaluated at the commercialization phase (plant height and diameter, stem height, capitulum number, and capitulum and stem diameter) and sensory analysis through trait and preference assessment tests. The use of liquid organic fertilizers are a feasible alternative to substitute conventional mineral fertilization. Farmers should observe EC values and K, Ca, Mg ratio for better quality assurance according to the results obtained in T5 . The T5 (Boiler remaining ash + Hatchery residue) has a larger amount of boiler remaining ash, whereas the chemical elements in mineral form are already readily available to the plants, this fact may have contributed to better visual development of plants grown in this treatment.


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